Summer is the perfect season for DIY enthusiasts to roll up their sleeves and get creative. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, the warm weather and longer days provide ample opportunity to tackle a variety of projects. At Tinkerly, we’re passionate about empowering DIYers to create, share, and connect through their projects. In this article, we’ll explore some exciting summer DIY projects and highlight the most useful tools to help you bring your ideas to life.


Summer is synonymous with outdoor activities, and for DIYers, it’s an ideal time to embark on new projects. From building garden furniture to creating unique home decor, the possibilities are endless. With the right tools and a bit of inspiration, you can transform your space and enjoy the satisfaction of creating something with your own hands.

Garden Furniture: Build Your Outdoor Oasis

Project Overview

Creating your own garden furniture is not only cost-effective but also allows you to customize pieces to fit your style and space. Whether it’s a cozy bench, a stylish table, or a functional planter, DIY garden furniture can elevate your outdoor living area.

Essential Tools

Tips for Success

  1. Choose the Right Wood: Cedar and redwood are excellent choices for outdoor furniture due to their durability and resistance to weather.
  2. Pre-drill Holes: To prevent wood from splitting, always pre-drill holes before driving screws.
  3. Seal Your Wood: Protect your furniture from the elements by sealing it with a weather-resistant finish.

Home Decor: Personalized and Stylish

Project Overview

From wall art to custom shelves, DIY home decor projects allow you to add a personal touch to your living space. These projects are often simpler and quicker, making them perfect for those new to DIY.

Essential Tools

Tips for Success

  1. Plan Your Design: Sketch your ideas and plan your project steps before starting to avoid mistakes.
  2. Use Templates: For projects like wall art, using templates can help you achieve professional-looking results.
  3. Experiment with Materials: Don’t be afraid to mix materials like wood, metal, and fabric for a unique look.

Outdoor Structures: Functional and Fun

Project Overview

Building structures like pergolas, sheds, or even a treehouse can be a rewarding summer project. These larger projects can enhance your outdoor space and provide functional benefits.

Essential Tools

Tips for Success

  1. Check Local Codes: Ensure your project complies with local building codes and regulations.
  2. Use Quality Fasteners: Invest in high-quality screws and nails to ensure the longevity of your structures.
  3. Plan for Maintenance: Consider the maintenance needs of your structure, such as staining or sealing wood, to keep it in good condition.

Craft Projects: Creative and Fun

Project Overview

For those who enjoy smaller-scale projects, crafting can be a delightful way to spend summer afternoons. Projects like making candles, creating jewelry, or upcycling items offer endless creativity.

Essential Tools

Tips for Success

  1. Organize Your Supplies: Keep your craft supplies organized to streamline your process and avoid frustration.
  2. Follow Tutorials: There are countless online tutorials that can guide you through new techniques and project ideas.
  3. Personalize Your Projects: Add personal touches like initials, favorite colors, or unique materials to make your crafts special.


Summer is the perfect time to dive into DIY projects, and with the right tools and a bit of planning, you can create amazing pieces that enhance your living space. At Tinkerly, we’re here to support your DIY journey, offering a platform to share your projects, connect with a community of like-minded individuals, and even sell your project plans. So, grab your tools, get inspired, and start creating!

About Tinkerly

Tinkerly is a vibrant community for DIY enthusiasts. Our app allows users to create and share projects, post questions, connect with fellow DIYers, and even sell project plans. Join us today and take your DIY projects to the next level!

As we embrace the warmer weather and longer days, many of us are looking for ways to enhance our outdoor spaces. Marco, a talented member of the Tinkerly community, has taken outdoor DIY projects to a whole new level with his high-quality cornhole boards.

Located in Massachusetts, Marco’s passion for woodworking and craftsmanship shines through in his creations. Unlike typical yard DIY projects, Marco’s cornhole boards are a testament to his dedication to quality and attention to detail.

What sets Marco’s boards apart is not just their durability and professional finish, but he also customizes them for each person or small business he creates them for. In the corner of that image is a laser engraver, for which he made a custom vent for and is the key to his customization wizardry. Through Tinkerly, Marco generously shares the step-by-step process of how he creates these boards, inspiring others to try their hand at creating their own high-quality outdoor projects.

Beyond sharing his expertise, Marco also sells his boards to local small businesses, adding a personal touch to yards and gatherings throughout Massachusetts. You may even see them for sale on Tinkerly in the near future!

As we transition into the outdoor season, Marco’s story serves as a reminder that with creativity and skill, DIY projects can elevate our outdoor spaces to new heights of quality and enjoyment.

Join us in celebrating Marco’s craftsmanship and dedication to quality DIY projects. Check out his profile and projects on Tinkerly, and get inspired to create your own outdoor masterpiece! You should also visit his website, to see some of his other impressive creations from chacuterie boards to coffee tables and more, and follow him on Instagram @olivetreewoodworking!

We are always on the lookout for the next Member Highlight, so please keep sharing your awesome projects and we’ll reach out to learn more about it and write an exclusive article about you! If you want to be proactive and point us to that awesome project, just contact us. We love hearing from our creators!

Ever dreamt of turning your DIY passion into a source of inspiration for others, and maybe even a way to fund your next project obsession (hello, dream power tools!)? Sharing meticulously crafted project plans is a fantastic way to achieve both. But let’s face it, the process of creating a clear, well-structured plan from scratch can feel overwhelming, especially for DIY newbies (and seasoned veterans alike!).

Here at Tinkerly, we understand the struggle. That’s why we built a revolutionary project plan creation feature designed to simplify the entire process – for both DIY rookies and plan-creating pros. No more wrestling with spreadsheets or cobbling together notes, slides, and PDF conversion struggles. Tinkerly empowers you to transform your creative vision into a polished, actionable plan that will not only guide your own project but also inspire countless others.

Ready to unlock Tinkerly’s project planning power? Here’s what awaits you:

Tinkerly – Your one-stop shop for transforming DIY inspiration into action, community, and maybe some extra cash!

Join the Tinkerly Community (Even Before Launch!)

We can’t wait to welcome you to the Tinkerly family! While the app is still under development, you can be among the first to experience the magic. Here’s how:

Do you ever find yourself overflowing with brilliant DIY ideas? A magazine spread sparks a furniture revamp vision, a friend’s social media post ignites a home decor project, and suddenly you’re swimming in a sea of inspiration! But where do you begin? How do you capture these fleeting sparks and transform them into actionable projects?

Fear not, fellow DIY enthusiasts! Tinkerly, your soon-to-be ultimate DIY companion (coming soon!), is here to help you navigate the journey from inspiration to a finished masterpiece. Here’s how Tinkerly will empower you to organize your creative dreams and turn them into reality:

1. Unleash the Brainstorming Bravado

The first step is embracing the inspiration! Tinkerly provides a platform to capture those fleeting ideas before they disappear. Let your creativity run wild:

What does inspiration look like?

Inspiration comes in many forms, and Tinkerly aims to set you up so you can collect and organize whatever sparks your imagination. For each project, you can capture inspiration in the form of:

Organizing your Inspiration Chaos

Chicken or Egg?

Sometimes, inspiration motivates you to start a project; but other times, a project need is clear, you just need ideas on how to execute. Then there are times where you don’t have a project, or intention of doing a project, but want to bookmark an idea just in case. Regardless, Tinkerly is ready to help with the “Inspire” feature.

2. Plan for Success

Once you’ve captured and organized all your initial inspiration, the next step is to prepare. What tools and supplies will you need? Should you use a preconfigured plan, or wing it? This is where the Project Details page is your friend. Here’s a rundown of what you can do as you plan to conquer your DIY project:


Add more inspiration

Yes, you can count on finding new ideas to incorporate in your project. This is where it will go!

Gather Tools & Supplies 

Envision your project, and think about what tools and supplies you will need to get it done. Search the Tinkerly Database or Your Virtual Workshop (more on that later!), and designate your needs for this particular project… If you’re building a workbench, you probably don’t need to gas up the lawn mower! Not only will you be getting yourself situated for your project, but you will be helping others new to DIY figure out what it will take to take on a similar project. If you are working off of a Tinkerly Project plan, you will also be able to import the tools and supplies right from that plan.

New projects are a great excuse to buy new tools. If you “need” something you don’t have, you can add it to your shopping list for later, or we can point you in the right direction right away.*


Create/Link a Project Plan (100% optional!)

We’ve tried to make project plans fun and engaging on Tinkerly. With the option to create your own plan or use a plan that someone else created, you can link it directly to your project to track progress, ask questions, get feedback, and more. When it’s all done and polished, you can even list it on the Tinkerly store to make some dough!


3. Build with Confidence

You are now ready for battle! Take all that inspiration, planning, and input from the community to tackle your project with confidence. While you are dominating that project, check out some of the features that will help you document your journey so us watching on the sideline can revel in the process too:

Decorate that Gallery

The gallery is where you’ll want to document those images and videos of your project. Users can view, comment, like, and share your gallery entries. Additionally, your content will likely inspire others for their own projects. Perhaps our favorite feature is a dedicated before and after section, so you can showcase your transformation. Tip: You can include more than one before/after!


Log Key Milestones with Timeline

By popular demand, we have implemented a Timeline feature. Here you will be able to track and log key milestones throughout the project to give a holistic view of your journey. We suggest logging project start dates, key hurdles you overcame, changes in project status from inspiration through completion, etc. Have fun with it!


So, what will your next project be?

The next time you’re struck by DIY inspiration, don’t let it fade away!


Calling all creators, makers, and innovators! Do you dream of transforming your home with weekend projects, crafting unique gifts, or tackling that long-overdue furniture restoration? The journey from inspiration to a finished DIY masterpiece can be exhilarating, but it also comes with its share of challenges.

Introducing Tinkerly, your soon-to-be essential companion in the exciting world of DIY! We’re currently under development, but we’re thrilled to give you a sneak peek at the features that will empower you to bring your creative visions to life, every step of the way.

Tinkerly aims to:

We are just getting started! As Tinkerly continues to evolve, we’re constantly exploring innovative ways to enhance your DIY experience. Be on the lookout for more exciting features like:

Tinkerly is more than just an app; it’s a movement that celebrates creativity, resourcefulness, and the joy of making. We believe that everyone has the potential to be a maker, and we’re here to empower you on your DIY journey.

Stay tuned for exciting updates as we gear up for launch! In the meantime, start brainstorming your dream projects, gather your inspiration, and get ready to unleash your inner creator with Tinkerly!

Join the Tinkerly Community (Even Before Launch!)

We can’t wait to welcome you to the Tinkerly family! While the app is still under development, you can be among the first to experience the magic. Here’s how:

Together, let’s build a world where creativity has no bounds, and where anyone can transform their dreams into reality. Welcome to Tinkerly, your ultimate DIY companion!